Good morning, afternoon, evening,
night, in whatever time zone you are!
Glad to see you came till here,
I hope you'll continue the voyage.
I'm your guide, but don't worry:
first, I'll be aroud only a short moment
and, second, I won't ask for tips...
So bear with me for some
As shown by the map on the right,
our "family" spreads from north
to south of Europe and across
the Atlantic, to the Canada
(hence the .ca of the URL...).
Here is how to travel from one country/family
to the other
with, as only transportation
mean, your
computer mouse.
► Click on an icon with the country color at the bottom right of the page and there you are.
► From any country page you are any other one will be just a click away.
Sorry no, you cannot click on the country flags of the big map. Yes, it would have been more elegant, but... Read the (*) at the bottom.
You're set. Have a nice trip and send me
a real, by snail mail, post card .
Bye for now!
(*) You don't want to read the technical "why", do you? But if you really insist, let me know. I'll be delighted to mail you the code lines of code needed)